Phyllis and the Dada Seagulls
Featuring Dada Seagulls by Artist Stuart Smith
and installation, "A Cabinet of Phyllis".
Burning Bush Gallery presents:
Friday 25th November until Christmas 2011
25 Broad Street Deal Kent CT147TB
01304 369332
Gallery page
Phyllis at the Burning Bush

Who and what is Phyllis?
Phyllis is a cardboard cut out!
Phyllis is also an artist and a philosopher.
She has created unusual resin artworks, amusing collage pieces and highly individual Christmas cards. Phyllis has also written and illustrated a delightful booklet and created a unique badge that she would like to give away to a few lucky visitors, so come and see Phyllis and her work at The Burning Bush Gallery anytime before Christmas.
Phyllis would like to take this opportunity to say a special "Thank You" to all her friends and especially to the "Sizsa Arts Partnership" who are supporting her in her first professional exhibition!