Penny Bearman 2021 Paintings
This page displays new 2021 paintings with a few pre-covid and summer 2020  moments in time.
A year at home creates more thought I think and perhaps a little less celebration, but none-the-less 2021 brings with it a new spirit of optimism and appreciation of our unique local community.
Promenading Deal Celebration 24x36
Seafront buildings 16x20
Sunlight and shadows Deal Seafront 16x24
The Pink gap, showing a glimpse of the seafront at Walmer 20"x10"
February 2021, New painting of Deal Seafront with gulls and people
painting in progress - unfinished 26"X 32"
Deal's Saturday market 18x24"
" Swimmers recovering" This is a regular sight at Kingsdown, Deal, where our intrepid sea swimmers warm themselves at a brazier with warm drinks, but don't appear to rush indoors. 10"x 20". 2021
Kingsdown beach huts and natural colours
24"x20" 2020
Seafront buildings 16x20" 2020.
Walking on the pier. Although this looks like a lot of people, there is a one way system on our pier now, so groups come towards us on the right and back to town on the left. This is a small but very thickly painted. I put it in the window of the Seaward Gallery before I remembered to measure it. 2021.
This seafront painting has just been repainted having seen these youth walking along the seafront this week (March 2021)
It was previously adjusted in the summer of 2020 to feature the cyclists, the original painting showing women below had a slightly different perspective.
This is large, 24x36
These paintings show pre-covid times. Perhaps the only difference in these paintings is imagined. People on holiday in Deal always look at ease, even in the covid summer season in July 2020.
Weather and atmosphere, Deal Seafront10"x12"
The painting below shows Chartwell, it was painted for a tv show called Sky Landscape Artist of the year where I was a "wildcard entry" We had to paint outside within 4 hours. The show was aired in January 2021 in episode 1.
Flowers from the market, a great subject for rainy weather. 30"x24"
A walk on the pier 10"x 20"
Paintings displayed at the Seaward Gallery Deal, in the window and wall. Visit Broad Street Deal, Kent, near the seafront!